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Here are a few of the comments Steve has received about his work with teachers and children.

“Simply, it’s the best training I have had for years. It was the kind of training that goes with you and grows with you… The room was energised throughout the training, and staff are returning to teams quite excited and positive.”
Biddy Shepherd, assistant regional manager, Family Action
“The support we received allowed staff at all levels to unpick the barriers to successful behaviour for learning and develop effective tailored strategies for our setting.”
Mark Anderson, head teacher, Huntingtower Primary School
“Steve’s support has provided us with a model and language to make sense of the emotional dimensions of behaviour management.”
deputy head teacher – name withheld
“The HMI said that the school had been ‘transformed’ since the previous visit. I have no doubt that Steve’s work and support were a huge factor in achieving this transformation. His way of working with colleagues is subtle and takes people from where they currently are as a starting point. He forms excellent relationships with staff, and students enjoy working with him. He connects things together – whether this is people with people or people with ideas. He is very modest and enjoys seeing people succeed.”
Chris Mallaband, principal of Langdon School, London