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Coaching in schools

Insanity – “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein

Most teachers know when things are not right in their classroom. Yet the pressures of time, not knowing what to do differently, or having lost touch with their belief in being able to effect change can mean that they keep doing the same thing over and over again.

Beyond Behaviour provides high-quality coaching support that aims to help teachers gain a clearer perspective of what is going well/well enough and provide supportive discussions and feedback around aspects of their practice to be developed.

Beyond Behaviour’s approach is based on ‘Plan-Do-Review’.


As an additional element to coaching, Steve is qualified to use the Temple Index of Functional Fluency (TIFF). TIFF offers a framework for enhancing self-awareness, understanding, empathy and social competence. Experience has shown it to be one of the most potent models to help teachers take a step back, re-connect with their strengths and enhance the interpersonal skills necessary to create a positive climate for learning.


Find out more about TIFF and schools.